Dreamland School


Affiliated to the Council for the Indian School Certificate Examinations, New Delhi (Reg No. WB086)

I.C.S.E (Class - X) & I.S.C. (Class - XII)

98754-77149, 83370-40082, 89102-31748



  Demo 1 - Menucool Image Slider
Welcome to Dremland Children's Corner Dreamland School Main School Building Frontal View of the Main School Building Main School Building with Ground Raghunathpur Building Unit II at Bhadreshwar Middle School Building



  • 15th August Celebration
  • 77th Independence Day Celebration in School
    Toppers for ICSE & ISC 2024
    Toppers for ICSE & ISC Examination 2024 Click Here to Download
    Merit List ICSE & ISC 2024
    Merit List for ICSE & ISC Examination 2024 Click Here to Download
    New Admission for Classes XI
    New Admission Form XI and Details of Subject Combination and Charges (in Page 2) Click Here to Download
    New Admission for Classes Nursery to IX
    New Admission Form (Nursery to IX) and Details of Charges (in Page 2) Click Here to Download
    Achivement of Our NCC Cadet
    Our NCC Cadet's Achivment in NCC Click Here to Download
    School Office Timing and Contact Numbers
    Contact Numbers of Schhol Office for Guardians and Students Click Here to Download


    Dreamland Children's Corner and Dreamland School is a co-educational English Medium institution run by Dreamland Education Society (Registered under West Bengal Societies Registration Act, 1961). It is a self-financed institution governed by the Managing Commiittee of the School. Its main aim is all round development of the students and seeks to promote the spread of education, natural regeneration and moral upliftment of the young children to remove social evils and upgrade the living conditions of the poor and the downtrodden.

    The School was established on 15th January, 1973 on the concept of secularism and motivation to excel and become indpendent in all respect. The School got affiliation in 1987 and since then the history of the school has been that of only success & achievement to ICSE. The School was upgraded to ISC (Plus - 2) level in 1999.

    The school is recognized by the Education Department of the Government of West Bengal and affiliated to the Council for the Indian School Certficates Examinations, New Delhi (WB086).

    The school is committed to nurturing little children and see them blossom into individuals full of love, nobility and compassion. Dreamland School will be dedicated towards imparting holistic education in a congenial environment at affordable cost.
    Mr. Biswanath Chatterjee Founder Principal & Secretary.




    My dear Guardians and Students,

    I take this opportunity to present before you the WEBSITE of our school. This year I am focusing more on the relationship among the students, guardians and teachers, a kind of triangular bondage, with the hope that the ultimate beneficiaries are the children of our school. This year, I have introduced a new reform in the exam system of our school with the objective of making the students more serious in their studies throughout the year. The new system of assessing the copies to keep vigilance on their class work and home work has been implemented. The students will be compelled to make the lessons done regularly and be more attentive to studies throughout the year, since 50% weightage remains with the Unit Tests and Assessments and another 50% weightage lies with the two examinations, Half Yearly and Annual Exams.
    I have already introduced N.C.C. (under the Ministry of Defence) in our School with lots of benefits to the students in their future career. I am also going to get our school accredited to National Institute of Open Schooling (NIOS) for the benefit of the unsuccessful candidates in the Board exams. This year I am going to restart the Olympiads under the Science Olympiad Foundation (SOF) which I stopped for the last couple of years. Through the different co curricular activities round the year in the forms of Quiz, Craft Workshop, Tagore Fest, Freedom Fest, Winter Function, Sports etc, I want to ensure the holistic development of the children of my school. I have bought a fleet of school buses to reach every body's door step and reach out to all who wish to educate their children in my school. Efforts are being made regularly for the up graduation of school infrastructure including the audio-visual teaching aids from Nursery to XII. The library of the school will be upgraded soon. At the same time the Middle School Building of our school is soon going to get a playing field attached to the school premises. Nevertheless, certain things which I am still unable to do due to some unavoidable circumstances, I apologize and promise to rectify soon and prove my institution of 42 years old as the best English Medium School available in the surrounding locality.
    With seasons greetings and best wishes for all.

    Mr. Indranil Chatterjee (Principal)

    Mr. Indranail Chatterjee



    Dear Parents,

    School is considered to be the temple of education, and I am priviledged to be a part of this temple. It is really wonderful to see the sparking eyes of students with full of energy and enthusiasm every day. The Motto of our school is to provide the best possible education to our students with as much love and care as possible. We are strict about the discipline of the school and it is our job to build up the sense of morality and self discipline in every student. We the teachers, students and parent's work together here as a family, understanding and sharing each other's happiness, problems and limitations. We have included the parents in our family of Dreamland School so that there will be hearty coordination between the school and the developments of the students.
    Year after year, our Principal Sir is working hard to enhance the standard of the school and provide the modern amenities and teaching facilities for the benefit of the students. We have set up audio-visual teaching aids in all the subjects to make learning more interesting and effective to the students. Our Principal Sir, I and all teachers are always open to all kinds of approaches from the guardians and students, and we consider it as our responsibility to solve every body's problem to the best of our ability.
    I feel very happy to present before you the Website of the School. Hope you will like it and I congratulate you to be a part of this progressive institution.


    Mrs. Chandrani Chatterjee (Headmistress)

    Mrs. Chandrani Chatterjee




    *Result 2019-20*
    *Online Assignments*

    Developed & Maintained By: Bapi